

Controladoria Geral do Município / COPI

01/Jun/2021 10:19:03 AM BRT


Production and Sandbox Endpoints

URLs de Production and Sandbox:


Apresenta os dados sobre lentidão no trânsito de acordo com os trechos das vias do município de São Paulo. As bases de dados estão separadas por ano (período: 2001 - 2018). Os dados dessa API são provenientes da API do Portal de Dados Abertos.

Business Information

Business Owner : Controladoria Geral do Município / COPI [portaldetransparencia@prefeitura.sp.gov.br]

Technical Owner : Controladoria Geral do Município / COPI [portaldetransparencia@prefeitura.sp.gov.br]


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You require an access token to try the API. Please log in and subscribe to the API to generate an access token.   If you already have an access token, please provide it below.

No access token found

The selected application does not have an access token for the selected environment. Go to the application page and generate keys.

Authorization : Bearer

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No documents have been associated with this API so far.


Client side SDK generation is currently not available for this API since the API definition is in the OpenAPI 3.0 specification